Saturday, 5 November 2016

Skin Tightening : Youngness Redefined

As we age, we lose the freshness in our skin. Skin can hang down as gravity acts on it creating droopiness, wrinkles and bands. The saggy skin on any part of the skin gives aged appearance. Nowadays, there are many high-end technologies which are prevalent for Skin Tightening.  Both surgical and non-surgical procedures are used for skin tightening. After this treatment, dramatic results will be experienced by the patients obviously.

In Radio frequency technology, heat energy is passed through the hand piece to the deeper part of the skin that firm tissues and develops new collagen. The deeper tissues are contracted and simultaneously the decreased fine lines are experienced. During this process, developed new collagen rejuvenates the skin texture. A cooling spray is accommodated with the hand piece which shields the skin superficial part from injuries and burns.

Skin Tightening in Kerala

Why is this procedure selected by the patients?
  • It can be performed in any area of the body
  • Less invasive and less painful
  • No huge side effects
  • Daily activities can be carried out soon after the procedure
  • Reduces wrinkles, fine lines and skin laxity
Photo skin rejuvenation: It is a non-invasive therapy helps in tightening the skin. Intense pulse light with high-intensity light is penetrated under the skin surface. This intensity of light either damages the melanin that causing brown spots or blood capillaries that created broken capillaries. This skin repairs the damage and firms the skin tone better.

Liposuction:It is a surgical procedure performed for skin tightening and larger scale fat reduction. In this procedure, a suction tube is inserted below the fat accumulated skin area. It acts as a power vacuum and sucks the excessive fat.

Laser-Assisted Liposuction:It is the latest technology for skin tightening. This procedure involves an insertion of the small cannula which is attached to a tinier diode laser. This laser destroys fat cells, liquefying them and it is eliminated from the body by natural process.

Dr. Mushtaq’s Skin Clinic and Cosmetology Centre, Kerala which is headed by Dr. Musthaq Ali himself is one of the leading cosmetologists, who gives consultation and performs treatment for all skin problems.  The Skin tightening Treatment in Kochi is offered by our esteemed doctor with the above said advanced technologies.
Skin Tightening Clinic in Kochi
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Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Look Young As You Feel

Aging is a (physiological) natural process that involves the deterioration of cells, tissues, organs and body functions. Aging is not a disease but a process that is part of life and presented in all people, although at a different speed. The arrival of aging depends on genetic and environmental factors.
Visible signs of aging
  • Hair loss
  • Presence of gray in his hair
  • Expression lines (wrinkles)
  • Presbyopia and decreased vision
  • Weight gain
  • Tooth loss
  • Loss of height
  • Loss or decrease in hearing, taste, and smell, besides function and sexual desire
At Dr.Mushtaq’s Skin Clinic, both traditional and cosmetic procedures are used as a solution for aging. The anti-aging treatments include:
Botox is most effective on wrinkles. By injecting Botox into the skin, it relaxes the muscle fibers to decrease its power of contraction. For this reason, it is often used in cosmetics to slow the appearance of wrinkles.
Injectable wrinkle fillers give you more youthful look. They increase volume to your skin, enhance chin and lip area.
Advantages of fillers include:
  • They restore the youthful appearance.
  • An effective alternative to facelift.
  • Fillers provide volume to enhance facial areas.
  • It’s a non-invasive procedure.
  • The procedure takes less time and the result can last for about a year.
Dr. Mushtaq’s Skin Clinic provides effective Anti-Aging Treatment in Kochi. With the help of advanced technologies and facilities they provide you the best services at cost effective rates.

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Thursday, 25 August 2016

Say Goodbye to Acne and Scars

Acne scars occur due to the inflamed blemishes when the skin is engorged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. Acne blemishes often leave a black spot on the skin that will last for months or years. The swelling of the pores in the skin may cause a break in the follicle wall. Due to this, the infected material may spill out into the surrounding tissue. The skin cells prevent other bacteria and fungus from entering into the skin to prevent further infection.


Symptoms of Acne Scars

  • Papules
  • Pustules
  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads or Milia
  • Nodules
  • Cysts

Acne can be divided into two categories :

Inflamed and Non-inflamed Acne

Non-inflamed acne breakouts consist of microcomedones, blackheads, and milia. These types of blemishes aren’t red or painful. The main cause of Inflamed Acne is redness and inflammation. People with Inflamatory acne have papules, pustules, blackheads and nodules.

Fractional laser treatment for acne
Fractional laser treatment causes little damage to the surrounding skin and tissue. In this method, only microscopic columns of skin is treated. The treated areas of skin are surrounded by untreated areas which give the excellent result. The time taken for recovery depends on the size and depth of the treated area.

Dr.Mushtaq’s Skin Clinic, Kochi provides the best treatment for Acne Scar Treatment.
If you see signs that your acne is leaving a scar on your skin, Don’t forget to book your appointment.

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Friday, 15 July 2016

Get Treatment For Dry Skin in Kerala

Dry skin is a very common disorder characterized by the  appropriate lack of water or moisture content in the superficial layer of skin called epidermis. This uncomfortable condition of skin is marked by itching, scaling and cracking of skin.

Men and women are having equal chances of getting the disorder of dry skin, but elderly individuals are more prone to this disorder. It can affect any part in your body, but more likely to affect arms, legs and abdominal area.

Types of Dry skin problems:
Depending upon the cause of dry skin, this disorder can be classified into different types like;
  • Allergic dry skin : Dry skin occurred due to the allergic reactions to some substance, causing rashes on the skin.
  • Contact dry skin : Skin exposed to any irritating chemical agent may cause an inflammation reaction to your skin.
  • Atopic dry skin : This is a long term dry skin problem, which is often hereditary.
  • Seborrheic dry skin : This caused when the skin produces too much oil, creating red and scaly rashes on the scalp. This is more common in infants.

Symptoms of Dry skin:
Dry skin is normally a temporary issue, especially during winters when the temperature and the moisture content in the environment goes down. But here are many who suffer it as a lifelong problem. The signs and symptoms of the dry skin disorder may vary upon factors like, your age, health, surrounding that you live or frequently be. Symptoms may include,
  • Skin having a tightened feeling after bathing
  • Feeling of roughness
  • Itching
  • Scaling
  • Fine lines or cracks
  • Deep cracks which can even bleed
  • Redness on the skin

Causes of Dry skin:
In most cases dry skin disorder arises due to the loss of essential moisture content from the body. This may happen due to several reasons like,
  • Weather : Skin is most prone to drying during winters when the moisture and water content in the environment is plummet.
  • Heat : Heat from heaters and stove will put down the humidity.
  • Long duration bath : Taking bath for a long duration will cause the body humidity to loss.
  • Harsh soaps or detergents : Some soaps and detergents can reduce your moisture content to a greater extend.
  • Exposure to sun : Exposure to sun for a long time will take away the body water content.
  • Psoriasis : A condition in which skin cells build up and form scales and itchy, dry patches.

Treatment for Dry skin:
Most of the dry skin problems are solved by bringing some changes in your routine. But if being highly troubled with dry skin problems, it is always better to consult your doctor. He may suggest you some moisturizing creams or other medications to cure it. For problems like psoriasis, he may subject you to light therapy or phototherapy that will do the needful.

Dr. Mushtaq’s Skin Clinic & Dermatology Centre, provides you the best treatment for dry skin in Kochi. We give you the perfect light therapy treatment and solve all your skin troubles in a better way than you expect.

For more details visit us on :
Now Your Skin Will Speak Out..

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Supreme Solution To Hair Loss

Hair loss is a very common problem suffered by a majority of people nowadays. Many of us are pessimistic to face the crowd when we undergo from the difficulty of hair loss. Most of people shed 50 to 100 hairs a single day. This remains unnoticed until you find out that our scalp hair is getting thinner enough to reach the site of one. Hair loss is said to be attained when the usual cycle of hair growth and shedding is disrupted.

Causes of hair loss:
Family history or heredity can sometimes be the reason for hair loss. Hormonal changes can cause you a temporary hair loss. Some medical conditions like, patchy hair loss, scalp infections or any skin disorders can lead to hair loss. Certain medications for disorders like cancer, arthritis, heart problems, high blood pressure and depression, can cause you to have a heavy hair loss. Subjecting the hair to the use of certain hair care products which may cause you some allergic reactions have a great role in having hair loss.

Symptoms of Hair loss:
There are many symptoms for hair loss depending upon the variety of causes. The symptoms of gradual hair loss remain hidden until the are get worsen but that of the sudden affected are noticed immediately. These hair loss can be either temporary or permanent depending upon the cause of the hair loss.

Hair loss treatment:
The hair loss can be treated using variety of methods depending upon the disorder found. For some, low energy laser can be used to energize and stimulate the scalp which will re-initiate the growth of hair follicles. This will be even effective to a person with very thin scalp. This treatment includes some advantages like;
  • Non-invasive
  • No negative side effects
  • Less time consuming
  • Painless
  • No need to use any medications
  • Increases Hair strength and its elasticity

Hair transplantsurgery is another method adopted to treat the hair loss. Here scalp hair is transplant to the areas with thinning scalp and baldness. About 30 to 40 strands of hair can be transplanted. Hair follicles are removed from one part of head using a tube like structure called punch graft. The natural looking hair is the biggest underlying advantage of this treatment.

Prevention steps for hair loss:
It is always better to maintain the proper nutrition of your hair that may even keep you away from other infections. Maintaining a healthy diet will reduce the hair loss to a greater extend. Utmost care should be taken while using any kinds of hair care products. Keep your mental stress to a reduced level.

Dr.Mushtaq’s Skin Clinic & Cosmetology Centre gives you the best ever treatment for hair loss in Kerala. Our service aims at complete satisfaction of our clients.

For more details visit us on :

Catch out the Beauty that you should Own..

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Hair Fall Solution in Kochi

Hair loss or alopecia is more an aesthetic problem than a real disease. It can occur in men as in women. Hair loss can affect the whole scalp or just one area. Most people regularly loss 50 to 100 hairs a day. That doesn't cause detectable thinning of scalp hair because new hair is developing in at the same time.

Baldness occurs when this cycle of hair development and shedding is disrupted or when the hair follicle is destroyed and replaced with scar tissue.Eating certain vitamins regularly, it is essential to strengthen hair and prevent Hair loss.


The exact cause of hair loss may not be fully known, but it's usually related to one or more of the following components:
* Heredity ( family history )
The most widely recognized reason hair loss is an inherited condition called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness.
* Hormonal changes
Hair loss will occur because of Hormonal changes and imbalances.This could be due to pregnancy, childbirth or the onset of menopause.
* Medications
Balding can be caused by drugs used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, high blood pressure and contraception. Intake of an excessive amount of vitamin A may cause hair loss.
* Medical conditions
Scalp infections or other skin disease will cause hair loss.

Mushtaq's skin clinic & cosmetology center provides Hair Loss Treatments Kochi at affordable cost and also offers other cosmetic treatment offers like acne treatment, Anti ageing treatment, face lift, botox etc.

'Acne is a serious issue'

Acne is a serious issue that afflicts a large percentage of the population. It is an inflammatory disorder of the skin, a condition that aff...