Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes skin cells to grow quickly results thick white or red patches on the surface of the skin. This skin disease is most commonly occurs in adults. It often appears on the knees, elbows, scalp, hands, feet, lower back etc. There are many treatments that can help to control the psoriasis.
- Skin inflammation
- Scaling of the skin
- In case of severe condition the skin becomes itchy
- Skin rashes
- In some cases, joints become swollen and painful
Tips to care for psoriasis
- Use create or lotions to keep the skin moist
- Do not exposure to sunlight or UV light

Avoid the following conditions that can causes the symptoms of psoriasis
- Skin injury
- Stress and anxiety
- Infections
- Overexposure to sunlight
- Alcohol
- Smoking , etc.
Mushtaq's Skin Clinic & Cosmetic Center provides effective psoriasis treatment in Kochi.
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